Campaign design for Farmers Feed Cities, an organization striving to raise awareness in Ontario urban centers about the importance of Ontario farmers. The building wrap gives the visual illusion that Ontario farmers are holding up a building, sending the message that farmers uphold the economic and social health of Ontario cities.

Wraps would be applied to various food products in urban groceries stores. This part of the campaign would be executed using the marketing strategy known as guerrilla marketing. (InDesign, Photoshop).

To see more on Farmer's Feed Cities please visit their website, Twitter or Facebook.
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An advertising campaign for the organization Operation Come Home. The campaign consists of billboard ads, a coffee cup application, magazine and newspaper ads and hand-out business cards.

The cup application is a creative way to show people what OCH does in the community, literally taking the homeless youth off the street. Printed on this paper cup is an image of a homeless youth sleeping on the street, but when the user of the cup slips on the cup sleeve, the youth disappears (being cover by the sleeve) and only the empty street remains (Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop).
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Sam Baynham | Graphic Design | | 613 898 3459 | Ottawa, Ontario | © 2011 Sam Baynham